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Hello, I'm Sarah 💖
Consulting sysadmin
Badass Hacker Chick

This is my website, a mix between a portfolio, blog, and personal wiki to document the projects I do. Thanks for checking in.

More About Me

PHP - MySQL - Python - Bash - C / C++ - Go

vmWare - Cisco - Linux/BSD - Git - SQL - AWS - Google Cloud - Windows Server - Nagios - cPanel - Server Hardware


I’m still new at this blogging thing:

Content may be a bit sparse while I’m getting up to speed. If you’ve got any tips or resources for blogging, feel free to get in touch. I’m also still working on the theme of the site (Had to be unique and go for a TMUX/Bash themed site).

Hiatus - Explained 2024-12-15

So, what’s up with the hiatus the past few years? Well, my career took a turn towards some proprietary stuff, that I couldn’t really find a way to share while keeping the secrets, well, secret, and with that taking a primary focus, I wound up not finding the time to document the personal projects that I barely had time to maintain....Read More

LSI SAS Utilities - Locating a Disk 2021-05-10

The Context: So, I had a failed disk in my ZFS array… sarahkat@srv:sas2ircu_linux_x86_rel $ zpool status pool: wolf state: DEGRADED status: One or more devices are faulted in response to persistent errors....Read More

ssh Login Banner 2020-08-27

Why create a login banner? Give users, or strangers, a quick little message before logging into your server. To enable the login banner, we will need to edit the ssh-server’s config file, /etc/ssh/sshd_config, with a line defining where to find the file containing our banner....Read More

SRV.HOME - Getting Started 2020-01-05

Chassis and Parts So far, I’ve got most of the stuff to get started sans a couple parts. I’m basing this build on the Dell R720XD - which recently became affordable on the second-hand market, and will be replacing my R710....Read More

Setting up PXE Booting 2019-08-08

Use PXE booting to boot computers via the network, requiring no local storage. Great for anything where a physical boot medium is inconvenient or impractical....Read More

Chronicles in Arch Linux 2018-12-18

As of this installment, I’ve been using Arch, however sparsely, for two weeks (Installed 2018-12-05, currently writing on 2018-12-18)...Read More

2048 and VIM 2018-10-07

First and foremost, I found this excellent version of the game, 2048, written in C. It’s fun to have this fun game playable on a Linux terminal - lightweight, no heavy graphics, just the bare essentials game....Read More

About This Site

This site serves several purposes: To be a portfolio of my projects To document projects as tutorials, for others as much as myself, as I can be forgetful about my past problems and solutions....Read More

Antenna Theory - Taking Pictures from Space

What’s really important, though, is the wavelength of this frequency, as it will determine the dimensions of our antenna. To calculate the wavelength (In meters), we devide 300 by the Frequency in MHz....Read More

Building the Antenna - Taking Pictures from Space

With the quarter wavelength figured out, we can make our fist steps towards construction. We will need to cut 8 lengths from our Copper 8 AWG Wire to this length of 54....Read More

Cloudflare Tunnels

So, I came across a situation where I wanted to expose web services through my cloudflare-managed domain without opening ports or messing with proxy hosts, etc....Read More

Distraction Free Youtube

Youtube does not offer a way to get your subscriptions as an RSS feed via anything built in. So I can use an RSS reader in combination with a browser extension to remove the suggested videos from youtube, I've made this script....Read More

Install a Custom CA

Why a custom certificate authority? With the several home servers that I have, a lot of them try to run self-signed SSL certificates....Read More

Remote access - No Port Forwarding

So, I found myself in a situation where it was… “inconvenient” to mess with the firewall situation, but I still had a system behind the firewall that I needed to be able to access remotely....Read More

SRV.HOME - Drives and Such

So I’ve been playing around… Alright, so the H310 from the Art of Server came through - after figuring out the latch on the motherboard, it was an easy drop-in replacement, and it is tested to be working fine....Read More

SRV.HOME - Setting up the operating system.

The R720XD has a couple drive bays in the back. These are 2.5” SFF drives. I am populating them with a couple repurposed 500GB Dell drives to fill the role of the operating system storage....Read More

SarahKat's Debian Packages

List of packages to install from the start: vim (full version of vim) tmux git chromium-browser Specific to i3 config: Manually Compile: * i3-gaps * Also required: xcb-util-xrm * 3status * playerctl...Read More

Setting up SarahKat's Linux Install | i3

Setting up SarahKat’s Linux Install Installing i3-gaps Install the prerequisite software to build i3 sudo apt install libxcb1-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libpango1....Read More

Uptime Monitoring with Webmin

Server monitoring with Webmin Getting tired of spending cash on a monitoring solution, and having stumbled through menus to find the “System and Server Status” module, I wanted to figure out how to utilize what was available to roll my own solution....Read More

pfSense, OpenVPN Bridge, and ProxyARP

So, I’m not sure why this is the case, but without setting up ProxyARP in the pfSense virtual IP’s menu, setting up OpenVPN the way I want does not work....Read More