Cloudflare Tunnels
So, I came across a situation where I wanted to expose web services through my cloudflare-managed domain without opening ports or messing with proxy hosts, etc....Read More
Install a Custom CA
Why a custom certificate authority? With the several home servers that I have, a lot of them try to run self-signed SSL certificates....Read More
Remote access - No Port Forwarding
So, I found myself in a situation where it was… “inconvenient” to mess with the firewall situation, but I still had a system behind the firewall that I needed to be able to access remotely....Read More
SarahKat's Debian Packages
List of packages to install from the start: vim (full version of vim) tmux git chromium-browser Specific to i3 config: Manually Compile: * i3-gaps * Also required: xcb-util-xrm * 3status * playerctl...Read More
Setting up SarahKat's Linux Install | i3
Setting up SarahKat’s Linux Install Installing i3-gaps Install the prerequisite software to build i3 sudo apt install libxcb1-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libpango1....Read More
Uptime Monitoring with Webmin
Server monitoring with Webmin Getting tired of spending cash on a monitoring solution, and having stumbled through menus to find the “System and Server Status” module, I wanted to figure out how to utilize what was available to roll my own solution....Read More
pfSense, OpenVPN Bridge, and ProxyARP
So, I’m not sure why this is the case, but without setting up ProxyARP in the pfSense virtual IP’s menu, setting up OpenVPN the way I want does not work....Read More
ssh Login Banner 2020-08-27
Why create a login banner? Give users, or strangers, a quick little message before logging into your server. To enable the login banner, we will need to edit the ssh-server’s config file, /etc/ssh/sshd_config, with a line defining where to find the file containing our banner....Read More
LSI SAS Utilities - Locating a Disk 2021-05-10
The Context: So, I had a failed disk in my ZFS array… sarahkat@srv:sas2ircu_linux_x86_rel $ zpool status pool: wolf state: DEGRADED status: One or more devices are faulted in response to persistent errors....Read More